Organization of information flows in the innovation activities
The article reveales types and content of incoming, internal and outgoing information flows in the stages of innovation activities – the stage of fundamental investigation, prediscovery, applied research and development. Incoming information that is depending on its sources, method of getting and content, is divided into flows: all accumulated information and knowledge of staff; primary data obtained in the process of research and development; information obtained as a result of special informational search; information obtained from outside by the agency of orders and contracts; information about characteristics of natural objects and phenomena, human activities and human needs; brief signal information about the results of research and development; content information about the results of research and development; information about practical problems and tasks to be solved; information in the form of patent documentation. Outgoing informational flows: full reports about results of research; signal information (abstracts, annotations, catalogues); content information; publications, lectures, reports; address information for users and customers (reports, technical documentation e.t.c.); addressless information: publications, reports, catalogues.
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