Article Calculation technique of the units with counter-swirling flows of inert bodies for chicken eggs drying March 2004
Article A closed-loop throttle microcryogenic system adapting itself to outside conditions and operating regime March 2004
Article Modern approaches to rational use of resources in the primary processing of food raw materials December 2003
Article Modeling of the regime of the on-off temperature control of thermoelectric refrigerators with the use of the current of pause December 2003
Article Hydrodynamic investigation of the model of a contact apparatus with a regular packing being sprayed December 2003
Article Effects of Size and International Exposure of the US Firms on the Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates December 2003
Article Second International scientific-technical conference «Low-temperature and food technologies in the XXI century», devoted to 300-anniversary of Saint-Peterburg December 2003
Article Mathematical modeling of heat exchange processes in a cross-current plate recuperator December 2003