For example,Бобцов

A technique for held tracing of land side for line facilities of complex and arc-shaped form against magnetic meridians of the local geomagnetic field


The article considers the possibility of using the local geomagnetic field for field tracing of land side for line facilities during engineering surveys along the tracks of complex profiles, such as arcs. Particular results of such field tracing are shown for the field works in the area between the Leningrad and Novgorod regions for a 15 km section of the newly designed M-11 Moscow - Saint- Petersburg toll highway. Instead of the bearing angle of the local coordinate system the local magnetic azimuth was used to define the course of line- and arc-shaped elements of that linear object. Based on these results the possibility of using the IGRF-11 International Geomag­netic Reference Field for such surveys is assessed.


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