Study of the rubbing machines, its analysis and assessment of efficiency
The article analyzes the main constructions of the rubbing machines for enterprises food and canning industry, is given the brief information about their advantages and disadvantages. Analyzed the classification of rubbing machines and proposed a generalizing classification. On the basis of the passport data of equipment, we calculated the following specific indicators: The indicator characterizes the mass, size and power consumption, productivity and functional multiplicity. These parameters allow to calculate the generalized coefficient, which characterizes the competitiveness of equipment for rubbing and provides an opportunity to choose the most efficient machines for the food and canning industry. The results led to the conclusion that in order to improve the competitiveness of a number of machines is need of the their modernization. For enterprises food the most competitive machines are brand MPR-350. In the canning industry is most advisable to use machines for rubbing P1-7,1. It was also noted that for control a modes a rubbing it is expedient: to change the gap between the sieve and whips machines canning industry; change the angle of the blade to the sieve in the machines for enterprises food; use regulators a frequency for machines that allow smoothly adjusting operation without stopping the machine and provide savings in energy consumption, both during startup and during operation of the machine.
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