For example,Бобцов

From expenses to results


 In this article questions of applicability of the classical theory of "potrebitelny cost in public scale" to modern economy and need for modern production of existence at public products, in unity with modern indicators of expenses, as well corresponding indicators of results are considered. Authors believe that our public reproduction needs "rezultatny revolution". The situation when at each enterprise the products have two individual economic characteristics is objectively necessary: the price displaying the objective expenses which really developed on these goods, expenses and an objective public rezultatny assessment. As "potrebitelny cost in public scale" will be base of definition of this objective assessment, process of its calculation can be made automatic, from will of employees of the enterprises not depending and not giving in to any regulation. Stimulation through profit will be unnecessary as at each enterprise and society, and it will always deal with valid, real expenses and results. Today's interest in overestimate of the prices will be lost: it under all circumstances will only harm to the enterprise, collective, expenses will become what they also have to be: that employees of the enterprise have to preserve, save very much.


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