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Unemployment: Nature and Causes


Unemployment is a social and economic phenomenon in which a certain number of the labor population willing and able to work are not able to get a job, which results in labor surplus. Historically, unemployment emerged in the course of evolution of the capitalist economic system as labor force was increasingly transformed into a commodity and specific labor markets were formed. Traditional pre-industrial economic systems had no unemployment as a phenomenon of economic life. As a mass and socially important phenomenon, unemployment emerged at the stage of industrial development of capitalism. Being a product of capitalist industrialization, unemployment later became a necessary condition for the development and the very existence of the capitalist economic system. As noted by V.I. Lenin, "surplus population ... is an indispensable attribute of the capitalist economy, without which it could not exist or develop" [6, 173]. The socio-economic nature and causes of unemployment are structured and defined in various theoretical concepts on various theoretical and methodological grounds.


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