For example,Бобцов

Discussion questions for assessing the economic potential of the territory


The article analyzes the scientific views on the problem of economic growth in Russia on the basis of capacity building economic areas (regions). The author describes the concept, structure and patterns of use of the economic potential of the territory (region) in retrospective and discussion aspect. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the components of the economic potential of the territory (region), assessing their magnitude and level of use on the basis of different approaches, methods, system performance indicators. The article analyzes the theory and practice of calculation of local indicators of economic potential of the territory (region) in Russia and abroad, the peculiarities of their application. The authors substantiate their position with respect to the application of methods of calculation of such components of the potential economic territory (region) as a natural resource, instant production, export, innovation, employment, investment, etc. In the article the author substantiates the expediency of application in the theory and practice of analysis of the potential economic territory (region) of the system of performance indicators that meet the requirements of stability, criticality, compliance with the state change of the system. For the formation of regional economic policy, the proposed use of the comparative advantages of economic territory (region), based on the account of the availability and condition of natural and productive resources, historical specialization, geographic location and climatic conditions of the territory.


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