For example,Бобцов

Modern condition of the market of mergers and acquisitions in the Russian Federation


Working out and carrying out of measures in realization of main directions of economical development of Russia up to 2020 lie in improvement of economical situation in the country. In connection with this it's necessary to stand the structural rebuilding of world hearths and many modern Russian enterprises are forced to resort to personal conversion which may be achieved by different means. The authors analyses the legal approaches to such concepts of as: «merger», «joint venture» and «acquisition» of the organizations existing in the scientific literature and legislative acts. The characteristic features of mergers and acquisitions under the current economic crisis are analyzed.  The article discusses the largest bargains on mergers and acquisitions in the Russian market within the period from 2010 to 2012 and reveals the main trends of mergers and acquisitions of companies due to the case analysis, principles of their carrying out are generalized and economic consequences are revealed.


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