For example,Бобцов

Rinciples of the organization of the global economic system


Тhe Article considers principles of the organization of the global economic system. The characteristic of the principle of "hierarchy of dominants", types of economic systems in terms of "order - chaos" (unstable, non-equilibrium order, soft, evolutionary chaos, rigid, deterministic chaos). It highlights the major institutions in the layered structure of the global economic system. Situation that the complete economic system has the uniform purpose in which the integrated criterion of its assessment is inherent is proved. Plurality of the hierarchical purposes and a multihierarchical kriterialnost of their assessment are determined by a dominant of a uniform goal-setting and integrated criterion of an assessment of all system. This main condition of stability and integrity of existence of this system. The principle of "hierarchy of dominants" is formulated, in compliance with which of all set of the attractors making impact on this system it is necessary to allocate a prepotent attractor of a basic level which "chaos order" of system has the solving, dominating impact on a condition of balance and sets the main vector of its development, the main parameters of future condition of this system. Traditional methods of the competition and new methods of conducting hyper competitive fight which use the countries - global leaders are considered.


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