For example,Бобцов

Screening the alcohol yeast strains for high gravity wort fer-mentation


The usage jf the high gravity wort fermentation technology, which is one of the most efficient and less cost-based methods of ethanol production intensification, is today restricted due to insufficient fermentation of the wort carbohydrates. By controlling the grain desintegration degree and there-fore the quality of saccharificated wort and by choosing the yeast strain for its fermentation one can affect the unfermented carbohydrates content of the fermented wash. During the experiments it was established that the usage of the alcohol yeast strain E (comparing to strains A and F) and the usage of grain disintegration degree of 100% passage through the 1 mm cell sieve (comparing to the 70% passage) allow to raise the high gravity wort attenuation degree considerably.


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